The Ribbon Playground

Darling Harbour, Sydney

Tensile was engaged to design and construct mesh safety barriers for the Ribbon Playground at Sydney’s Darling Harbour.

The playground sits beneath the Western Distributor, next to the Ribbon Building. Designed to reflect its waterfront location, the playground consists of climbable rigging, swing bridges, mesh platforms, slides, tunnels and “Wave” and “Bay” play areas.

The project involved Landscape Solutions (builder), Aspect Studios (landscape architect), and Partridge (engineering consultant).

Tensile’s brief

The stainless steel mesh barriers that attach to the play structures provide the necessary safety while echoing the wave-like forms of the structure.

For the barriers, we used Jakob 2mm x 40mm-aperture Webnet mesh throughout, combined with 6mm stainless steel cables and an assortment of fittings.

The unique geometry of the structure meant the playground required a flexible material that could align with its curves and wave-like shapes. This can be challenging, but Webnet is a highly malleable material that is capable of adapting to varying geometric forms. It performs almost like a piece of fabric in the way it can bend, fold, wrap and even drape over objects.

The geometry of the structure also made resolving loading requirements (e.g. live, dead, and wind loads) more complex than usual. This led to increased complexity with regards to detailing as well. However, the material was up to the job of resolving the complex and unique geometries and junctions, especially when combined with the Tensile team’s experience and expertise!

A material designed to look great and last the distance

When it comes to aesthetics, the translucent and light appearance of the material enhances the design of the structure, rather than constricting or imposing upon it.

In addition, Webnet’s anti-corrosion, low-maintenance properties make it strong, safe, durable, and cost-effective, which means the barriers should last for decades with minimal ongoing costs.

Since the mesh is made from 70% recycled content and produced in facilities powered by renewable energy, the barriers are environmentally friendly!

The Ribbon Playground is a unique structure situated in a landmark location. It is a significant project both for Sydney and internationally, and we are very proud to have been a part of its construction.

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